The choice-based lettings scheme (CBL) gives people the chance to express their interest in a council house or housing association home that is available to let to residents on the Council’s Housing Register. It works on a `bidding’ principle as and when properties become available.

The Council relies upon social landlords for the supply of homes that we can let to residents on the Housing Register.  The landlords being RBKC Housing Management (who manage the Council’s homes for rent) and Registered Providers (sometimes called Housing Associations) with homes in Kensington and Chelsea.

Each week, social landlords pass to the Council’s Allocations Team the homes that are available to let, providing details such as the number of bedrooms, the floor level, the location, the suitability for a person with mobility problems, the existence of a garden, and the rent and the service charges.

The Allocations Team then post the details of the available homes into Home Connections so that residents can express their interest, or bid, on them.

Whenever a suitable property becomes available, it is advertised on the CBL website on a weekly basis. The number of properties will vary each week depending on what homes are available. The bidding opens every Monday and closes at midnight the following Sunday. We will notify residents of any bidding or CBL-related changes on the Home Connections website.

During the bidding period residents will be able to 'bid' for a home and their position for a property will depend on their priority (the number of points they have) compared to other residents who have also placed a bid, at the end of the advertising period.  If two or more residents bid for the same property and have the same number of points, the property will usually be offered to the household who has been on the list the longest.

The properties on Home Connections will usually have a number of people express an interest in them. Usually only six families will be shortlisted for studio flats, 1bedroom and 2bedroom homes.  Homes with 3bedrooms and above, usually three households are shortlisted. When the Allocations Team are shortlisting, they ensure the number of bedrooms is suitable. 

Sometimes accessible homes, properties that are suitable for those who have a disability, are advertised on Home Connections.   In these instances, Allocations officers will give a preference to households who need these types of homes, for example E+- home with minimal steps, E- home with level access.  This is to ensure as much as possible, the households that need that type of home the most are given the opportunity to view, ahead of other groups.

Some homes may be advertised with a preference to a particular priority group.  For example, preference will be given to ‘Homeless household in temporary accommodation’ or preference may also be given to ‘Households living in Overcrowded’ conditions.  Preferencing homes to particular priority groups is done to ensure that that group is given an enhanced opportunity to be shortlisted.  This is in line with the Council’s Housing Rehousing Plan to ensure that there is a fair representation of households across the different priority groups.

AHR Guidance 

An Accessible Housing Register (AHR) Category determines the extent to which someone has, or does not have, mobility issues. To make the best use of our housing stock all properties are graded so that those with the highest accessibility needs get the most suitable properties. 

The Accessibility Housing Register Categories are;

A - Wheelchair Accessible Throughout

B - Wheelchair Accessible Essential Rooms

C - Lifetime Homes - Main features include a level approach/entrance and wider doorways.

D - Easy Access

E - Step-free

E+ - Minimal Steps – up to 6

F - General Needs

G - Not Assessed

Every application and property is given an 'AHR category' to ensure properties are offered to the most suitable household. For example, if a property is suitable for an AHR Category C applicant, applicants with AHR Category C will be given priority over an applicant with AHR Category E, even if the applicant with AHR E has more points. This is to ensure that the limited supply of accessible homes is targeted to households who need one.

Properties suitable for wheelchair users will not first be advertised through CBL. Residents requiring AHR Category A or C properties will be contacted by the Council about an available suitable home and directly offered it.  The Council still makes such offers in order of priority. This means, for example, that when a two-bedroom AHR Category C becomes available, the Council will contact the household with the highest number of points for a two-bedroom Category C property.

You can bid for one lower AHR category than you are assessed for. If you are shortlisted for the property we will carry out an assessment to see if the property has the potential to be adapted for your needs.

AHR Categories are determined by taking into consideration all of the health and medical information provided by the applicant. If an applicant feels they have a health condition that affects their mobility, such as the ability to access essential services, they will need to complete a Health & Disability Housing Form.

Applicants should contact the Housing Solutions Service on 0207 361 3008 to request a Health & Disability Housing Form to complete and return.

Properties are advertised on the Home Connections website.

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Residents eligible to bid are issued with a confidential User ID and PIN number and a step-by-step guide on how to bid. Bids can be placed on the Home Connections website.

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Applicants with rent arrears are unable to bid until the arrears have been cleared or there is a repayment plan in place. Residents who are not yet ready to live independently may also be unable to bid.

If anyone needs help with bidding they can contact the Allocations team at the Housing Needs Service on 020 7361 3985 Anyone bidding on behalf of an applicant will need the applicant's ID and PIN numbers.

Residents can be set up for auto-bidding. However, this will register a bid for all properties of the assessed size and will not make any exceptions on the basis of floor level and area. If you would to discuss auto-bidding please call 020 7361 3985.

Yes, but you may find some weeks that there are no homes advertised, that meet your assessed bedroom size.  No properties are advertised over the Christmas period.

Whilst every effort is made to make provisions with the landlord, the landlord arranges viewing dates. We have a range of landlords who offer properties. We have more flexibility on this if it’s an RBKC Council property so please do get in touch with us if you need this.

If you have an assessed complex medical need, it’s much more likely that you will have an accompanied viewing with an occupational therapist. In some cases a video viewing might be available but again, this is dependent on the landlord. If you feel you would benefit from this please do get in touch with the allocations team who will try their best to support you with this.

A range of properties with different tenancy terms and conditions are advertised and not all will be suitable for everyone. Residents will need to decide what property is best for them.

Residents can only bid for the size of property that they have been assessed for, or for a smaller property (normally one bedroom less). Applicants cannot bid for a property larger than they need.

In most cases, we will allow households to bid for one bedroom less than they have been assessed for. Very large households (normally those requiring five or more bedrooms) may be able to bid down two bedrooms less, however, only if they will not make the new property statutorily overcrowded. Different rules on the size of households occupying a property will apply if it is managed by a Registered Provider.

Residents can bid for as many properties as they like. However, they can only be shortlisted for a maximum of three properties in any given bid cycle.  If the viewing times clash, applicants will have to choose which one they want to attend. We will tell bidders which property they are most highly placed for to help them decide.

Once the bidding is closed residents are shortlisted the following Monday (or the next working day if it is a bank holiday) and usually the top six bidders are invited to view the property. Residents will not be contacted if they have not been shortlisted. Shortlisted residents will be contacted by telephone. This means it is very important we have the right contact number for applicants.

After viewing the property the bidder with the most points (highest priority) who wants the property will be offered the tenancy. If that household decides not to take the property it will be offered to the household in position two on the shortlist, then position three and so on. The property will be let to the household in the highest position that accepts the property.

If a resident has been shortlisted and does not have a phone, we will try and contact them by other means. If we have an e-mail address or mobile telephone number for the applicant we will send an e-mail or text.

If we are unable to contact a resident we will move to the next person on the list.

If you are unable to view a property on the proposed date it may be possible to arrange a viewing for another time if there is a good reason. However, housing providers need the rental income from their properties and will take into account any potential delays when re-arranging viewings.

This will not be possible as applicants need to decide if they want the property on the day. If applicants have made a joint application with their spouse or partner, they can view a property without them however both applicants will have to be available for the sign up.

If an applicant views a property and is then offered it, their circumstances will determine whether there is a penalty for refusing it. Normally, you have the right to refuse one property, but on the second refusal your application will be suspended from bidding for a year.

However, if the Council has accepted a homeless duty to you, and you refuse an offer of suitable accommodation, this will result in the cancellation of your temporary accommodation though you will have the right to appeal this decision.

Residents will have already been given priority points based on their housing need, so we do not need to re-assess anyone. However, if an applicant has had a change in their circumstances, for example if they (or a member of their household) have a serious medical problem that we are not aware of, please let us know.

Residents may also be able to get extra points if the main applicant or his/her partner, or member of their household on their housing application are currently employed and have been employed for at least 16 hours per week for the last 6 months. Applicants will need to provide sufficient documentation to prove that they are employed. Applicants can only apply for additional employment points if their application does not already have these points.

We are unable to say as residents will only bid for properties that they want, in the areas they want and their bidding position depends on the number of applicants also interested in the same property and what their priority is. Applicants will be better positioned to obtain the property they want if they are highly pointed on the housing register and bid as widely as possible.

Restricting their areas of choice is likely to mean they will have to wait longer before the type of property they want becomes available. Applicants will need to check what properties become available each week and decide if they want to wait for a specific area or block, or if they want to consider widening their choices.

Applicants placing their bid on-line can see their bidding position. The bidding position will change during the bidding period as more applicants place bids on the same property. Details of the successful bidder are published each month, this will give them an indication of where they are.

If someone is not in any priority group they will not be able to bid for properties.