How long will residents have to bid before they get re-housed?

We are unable to say as residents will only bid for properties that they want, in the areas they want and their bidding position depends on the number of applicants also interested in the same property and what their priority is. Applicants will be better positioned to obtain the property they want if they are highly pointed on the housing register and bid as widely as possible.

Restricting their areas of choice is likely to mean they will have to wait longer before the type of property they want becomes available. Applicants will need to check what properties become available each week and decide if they want to wait for a specific area or block, or if they want to consider widening their choices.

Applicants placing their bid on-line can see their bidding position. The bidding position will change during the bidding period as more applicants place bids on the same property. Details of the successful bidder are published each month, this will give them an indication of where they are.


Can residents get more points?

Residents will have already been given priority points based on their housing need, so we do not need to re-assess anyone. However, if an applicant has had a change in their circumstances, for example if they (or a member of their household) have a serious medical problem that we are not aware of, please let us know.

Residents may also be able to get extra points if the main applicant or his/her partner, or member of their household on their housing application are currently employed and have been employed for at least 16 hours per week for the last 6 months. Applicants will need to provide sufficient documentation to prove that they are employed. Applicants can only apply for additional employment points if their application does not already have these points.


What happens if a resident decides they do not want the property?

If an applicant views a property and is then offered it, their circumstances will determine whether there is a penalty for refusing it. Normally, you have the right to refuse one property, but on the second refusal your application will be suspended from bidding for a year.

However, if the Council has accepted a homeless duty to you, and you refuse an offer of suitable accommodation, this will result in the cancellation of your temporary accommodation though you will have the right to appeal this decision.


When will residents know if their bid has been successful?

Once the bidding is closed residents are shortlisted the following Monday (or the next working day if it is a bank holiday) and usually the top six bidders are invited to view the property. Residents will not be contacted if they have not been shortlisted. Shortlisted residents will be contacted by telephone. This means it is very important we have the right contact number for applicants.

After viewing the property the bidder with the most points (highest priority) who wants the property will be offered the tenancy. If that household decides not to take the property it will be offered to the household in position two on the shortlist, then position three and so on. The property will be let to the household in the highest position that accepts the property.
